A People First Approach to Making money online.

Updated 7th June 2042.

I have been teaching making money online for twenty years, and I have been asked thousands of times, what is the fastest way to make money online. There are many ways to make money fast when you know what you are doing. However for newbies the best approach is a people first approach to making money online. A people first approach to making money online allows newbies to showcase their expertise and individuality. I hear you screaming at me you just want the profit. I understand that, and a people first Approach to making money online definitely does not exclude you from making a profit. It just makes your followers feel that you hear them and understand their pain points.

What is A People First Approach to making money online?

A people first approach to blogging and affiliate marketing prioritizes the needs, interests, and wellbeing of readers and potential customers over profits or sales. This approach involves creating content that provides genuine value, builds community, and helps people in some way, rather than solely focusing on driving conversions or making money. In short, it means prioritizing the needs of your readers.

Well Catherine, isn’t that People First Approach to making money Counter Intuitive

Actually no it isn’t. Money has always been made by affiliate marketers who understand the problems in their niche. It starts with you taking the time to understand who your audience is as actual human beings, not faceless consumers.

Get to know their goals, challenges, values and concerns within your niche. Then you can create content that provides true value, whether it’s useful information, thought-provoking ideas, entertainment or resources like cheat sheets. All of these types of content work when they answer the direct questions your readers need guidance about.

Build rapport and trust by sharing your authentic experiences and being transparent about affiliate relationships. Select products or services to recommend based on quality, fit and usefulness for your audience – not just high commissions. Disclose sponsored posts clearly. Allow people to opt into your emails or offers rather than being aggressive with follow-ups. The focus should be on solving problems and adding value for real people, not quick conversions. This people first approach takes more effort but can help forge a loyal, engaged community that will support your work. It leads to a more ethical and meaningful blogging and affiliate marketing practice that prioritizes your readers’ needs over profits.

What Google Really really wants.

Google wants to see high-quality, original content from blogs in 2023. For a long time, the majority of internet content has been rehashed and rewritten junk. In fact, for over a decade many people have taught the just copy everyone else scenario.

Increased Video Content

YouTube was founded in February 2005 by three early employees of PayPal – Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. The trio sought to create an online platform to enable ordinary people to easily share video content on the web. Within its first month, YouTube already had over 1 million video views per day.

Seeing immense promise and potential, Google acquired YouTube in November 2006 for $1.65 billion worth of stock. This came only a year and a half after YouTube’s initial founding. The deal officially closed that October, with YouTube becoming a subsidiary of Google under the ownership of the technology giant.

Since Google’s acquisition, YouTube has grown enormously to cement itself as one of the most visited and influential internet sites globally. In 2014, longtime senior Google executive Susan Wojcicki became CEO of YouTube, overseeing its strategy and direction since then. However, the video site’s operations, engineering, and partnerships remain very intertwined with Google.

Today, over 15 years since those humble beginnings, YouTube serves over 2 billion monthly users as a key property of parent company Alphabet – which Google reorganized under in 2015. While maintaining a degree of independence in its product, YouTube’s infrastructure, advertising, funding, and executive leadership is very much tied to Google after over a decade of lucrative, strategic ownership.

Increased video content embedded properly in blogs is also likely something Google wants to see more of in 2023. With rising video consumption across platforms, bloggers have an opportunity to engage audiences with rich media integrated into their articles, while also optimizing video content for searchers. And at the same time this increases the brand of both Google and Youtube and helps both companies to dominate the market.

Driving more user engagement and shares for blog content is important as well. By creating compelling posts that keep visitors active on pages longer and gaining genuine social shares and backlinks, bloggers can appeal to users while showing Google their content offers value.

Why You Do need to Reinvent the Wheel

Google has had many core updates recently about authoritative content that is unique and written with your experiences. Unique in the sense that it has been written from personal experience. No one else has had the experiences that you have had, or faced the challenges in the way you have. Yesterday I wrote a blog post at Wealthy Affiliates which clearly demonstrates this unique perspective. (sponsored link). Many people have lost a beloved baby brother, but I am the only person who dealt with it in my own personal way and I wrote about my experience.

Bloggers should focus on creating in-depth, unique reports, analysis, how-to guides, and long-form stories that offer value to readers. Google aims to provide the most useful and relevant content to searchers, so one priority is blog content that serves user needs and answers the reader’s questions from the blogger’s own experience.

The SEO quest

Another priority is optimization for search engines. While focusing on user experience, bloggers should also optimize posts for SEO best practices. This includes conducting keyword research, building quality backlinks, using proper metadata and structured data markup, and following technical SEO guidelines. These factors help signal value to Google and rank well in results.

How has voice assisted software like Alexa affected SEO?

Today, you must remember that people are looking and searching in different ways for information. Potential readers are asking via software such as Alexa. Voice search assistants like Alexa are training consumers to frame long-tail queries conversationally, with less precision, increased localization, and more branding included.

Voice assistants like Alexa are causing people to take a more natural, conversational approach to posing long-tail search queries rather than rigid keyword strings. For example, someone might ask “Alexa, can you find me a good Italian restaurant in Seattle?” This sounds like everyday speech, whereas the traditional keyword might have been “Seattle Italian restaurant reviews.”

No More SEO Terms used in Queries

With Alexa, there is less need to match precise queries precisely. For instance, requesting “Alexa, show me that viral video with the laughing baby” can yield the desired result without naming the specific video or perfectly matching its description word-for-word. Alexa understands concepts and can infer meaning, even when queries are loosely phrased.

Local intent and personal context also automatically get picked up by Alexa. Your location shapes the results Alexa delivers. Asking, “What’s the weather this week?” generates local Seattle weather without explicitly asking for it. So, long-tail searches now assume localization without adding city names to queries.

Additionally, people now tend to include brand names when querying hands-free. “Can you get me prices for the Oculus VR headset?” is a more expected phrase. Users rarely leave out the brand names they seek now when posting voice searches. This differs from the more anonymous, generic long-tail text searches focused solely on product attributes rather than brands.

A people first approach to blogging and affiliate marketing involves creating content that genuinely serves the needs and interests of your readers rather than solely seeing them as potential buyers. It starts with taking the time to understand who your audience is as actual human beings, not faceless consumers. Please get to know their goals, challenges, values, and concerns within your niche. Only then can you create content that provides true value, whether it’s valuable information, thought-provoking ideas, entertainment, or resources?

Build rapport and trust by sharing your authentic experiences and being transparent about affiliate relationships. the people first approach to making money online takes more effort initially, but in the long term, it will supercharge your earnings as an affiliate. Selecting relevant products to promote can help forge a loyal, engaged community that will support your work. It leads to a more ethical and meaningful blogging and affiliate marketing practice that prioritizes your readers’ needs over profits. Your readers aren’t stupid they can spot a fake a mile off.

A People First Approach to Making money online.

A People first Approach to making money online at wealthy Affiliate

1. Making your audience the hero by emphasizing their hopes, challenges, interests first ensures your blog stays centered on value. Content remains useful, intriguing and focused on bettering lives when you internalize that real people with real needs access your blog. Keeping real human stories front of mind leads to information people truly gravitate towards.

2. The single best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is their community. There are well over a million active members. Most of them answer newbies questions.

3. They focus training mainly on creating value for readers, not chasing quick money. Seasoned affiliates like myself instill into newbies that the priority is enriching lives by solving problems and sharing useful information – not hype about getting rich fast.

4. They have real life examples from real life people who have become full time affiliate marketers. They address their real challenges honestly. Wealthy Affiliate stress that each person has to put in the work to be successful

Upcoming training is discussed in Vegas every year at the free bash for Super Affiliates.

Every year at Wealthy Affiliate there is an annual celebratory fully paid for trip to Las Vegas for all the top affiliates. Yes, you read that right the two owners, Kyle and Carson pay for their top affiliates to go to Vegas.

Of course, This is an all expenses paid jolly. They pay for business class flights from anywhere in the world. The idea that Internet marketing is location dependent is a myth. If you have an Internet connection you can make it work.

They also pay for five star restaurants, and your booze. However, there is an aspect of work in all of this. The owners and the affiliates have meetings to see how Wealthy Affiliate’s can be improved.

This year 2023 is going to see the biggest shake up in the site in all it’s history. By the fifth of December 2023, all the starter sites will be deleted. A new platform is being introduced, you will have your own hub. This will allow you to write an article which is laser focused in less than a minute using the power of AI. You then publish this directly and seamlessly onto your website.

$40,051 in the Last 30 Days from 2 Sites = Affiliate Marketing Works!

The crazy part is that this is just one of the websites I use as an affiliate. For example, I earned $26,582 on another website in the last 30 days.
That’s $40,051 in the previous 30 days from 2 websites alone.
How did that happen?
I used affiliate marketing, = Money-making method that Wealthy Affiliate teaches.

In Conclusion, A People First Approach to Making money online.

A people first approach to making money online, will always increase your profits. Your readers can relate to you, because they know that you understand their challenges. You give them clarity and clear call to action. When people are confused they tend to be like rabbit’s caught in headlights, they freeze and do nothing.

Faq’s For A people first approach to making money online?

A people first approach focuses on creating content and services that prioritize the needs and interests of your audience over immediate profit. This means understanding your audience as individuals, providing genuine value, and building trust and rapport. By helping and engaging with your readers authentically, you foster a loyal community that supports your endeavors in the long run.

While it may seem counterintuitive, prioritizing people actually leads to sustainable success. By addressing the real problems and interests of your audience, you build a trusted relationship, which in turn leads to long-term profitability through loyal followers who are more likely to engage with and support your offerings.

Google values high-quality, original content that provides genuine value to users. A people first approach aligns with this by creating content that is useful, informative, and tailored to the needs of your audience, thereby improving your search engine rankings and attracting more organic traffic.

Video content is highly engaging and helps build a deeper connection with your audience. It allows you to convey complex information in an easily digestible format, showcase your personality, and create more interactive and visually appealing content, which resonates more with users and keeps them engaged.

No, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but you should focus on sharing your unique perspective and experiences. Authentic, personal insights add value and differentiate your content from others, making it more relatable and engaging for your audience.

Key elements include understanding your audience’s search behavior, using relevant keywords naturally, creating high-quality content that answers user questions, and optimizing for user experience. Building quality backlinks and maintaining technical SEO best practices are also important to enhance visibility and credibility.

Voice-assisted software has changed how people search for information, favoring more conversational and natural language queries. Optimizing for long-tail keywords and considering local search intent are now crucial, as these tools often prioritize results based on conversational, localized, and branded queries.

It means that with the rise of voice search, users are asking questions in natural language rather than using specific, concise keywords. Your content should reflect this shift by including more natural phrases and long-tail keywords that match how people speak rather than how they type.

Share your authentic experiences and be transparent about your relationships with products and services. Recommend items that genuinely benefit your audience, clearly disclose any affiliate relationships, and focus on solving real problems. Engage with your audience through comments and social media to build a personal connection.

Community support fosters a collaborative environment where you can exchange ideas, gain insights, and receive encouragement. Platforms like Wealthy Affiliate emphasize community, helping newcomers learn from experienced affiliates and providing a support network that enhances your ability to succeed.

Focus on understanding your audience’s pain points, goals, challenges, and interests. Provide practical, useful information, thought-provoking insights, and engaging stories that address their needs. Create content that solves problems, educates, entertains, or inspires your audience in a meaningful way. The more you understand the problems in your niche the easier the content creation is.

A people first approach leads to a more engaged, loyal audience that trusts your recommendations and is more likely to support your endeavors. This approach builds a sustainable, ethical business model that prioritizes long-term relationships over short-term gains, resulting in lasting success and a positive reputation.

Begin by actively listening to your audience, understanding their needs, and creating content that genuinely helps them. Focus on transparency, authenticity, and building relationships. Regularly engage with your community, respond to feedback, and continuously refine your content to provide maximum value.

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