Welcome to milliondollarattachecase.com, created and run my Catherine.

I am an educator. I teach you to make money online, the same way I did it. I have been making a full time living online since 1997, so I have learned a thing or two. I encourage you to go to the best sites to build an online income and build a site of your own with affiliate links so you earn a small commission.

At milliondollarattachecase.com I earn a full time living online. I do this by writing articles and educating you, the reader, about what has worked for me online. That is the crucial bit what works for me. I teach you where to get the very best online education, in the best community. I teach you where to build an online presence and create affiliate links to make a profit.

It’s what I teach, and it’s what I practice. You have heard me prattle on that I only teach what works, yardy, yardy yardy Yaaaaa………………………………………

So let’s dive into affiliate links.

Affiliate Links

An affiliate link is a link to a product from which I make a small income. Let’s make this crystal clear I make money from our links.

Sometimes when I recommend products, I link to the company’s website using what’s known as an affiliate or referral link. Basically, if you buy a product you found via my link, I get a commission from the vendor as a small “thank you.”

That is what we teach you to do. You can always see the affiliate link because on this site I put (affiliate link) in brackets after one. I make no attempt to hide what I do and this is what you will learn to do if you follow my advice.

For instance, this is what an affiliate link to our recommendations looks like. This is one for Wealthy Affiliates.

Wealthy Affiliate (affiliate link)

Sometimes that commission is just a few cents, sometimes a few dollars, and on rare occasions it’s a little more. Sometimes it’s a one-time commission; sometimes, it’s a rolling commission — so if you sign up for a monthly subscription service, I get a recurring income each month.

So far in twenty five years plus online I have never written a sponsored post. A sponsored post is where I get paid to write an article singing a companies praises. I doubt I ever will write one, but I am just telling you upfront that if I ever do, I will clearly state Sponsored Content in the first paragraph.

But here’s the most crucial thing — that referral doesn’t cost you a penny. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket, not yours. Which means that with or without that link you will get charged the same amount. I NEVER recommend a product simply because it pays us a commission because that would be unethical and sleazy, right? My reputation is everything, and my authenticity is very important to me.

So I will only recommend products that I have personally used or products people I know personally use, and I can see their results. (After all, if we only recommended products we’re using ourselves right now, we’d be doing you a disservice because there are tools that are a great fit when you’re starting out, but not when your blog is bigger. (Make sense?) When I recommend products I no longer use, I will tell you and also tell you why. Although in nearly every case, it’s because i outgrew the product or service. Rarely it is because the company was sold and it has changed. An example here is Nuance, it used to be a spectacular tool for speaking and translating those words to text. It was sold a few years to Microsoft and has been crap every since.