How To Start Affiliate Marketing From Scratch with No Experience


Affiliate marketing is acting as a go between between the buyer and the seller of a product. You promote a product, by word of mouth, social media, blog posts, Youtube, Insta etc and when someone purchases it you get paid. Kaching !!!!.The important thing to understand is your commission doesn’t affect the retail price of the cost or service. The buyer pays affiliate commissions out of his/her own profit. It is the easiest and cheapest way for a beginner to start Affiliate Marketing, to get an online presence and make a profit.

Starting Out As An Affiliate Marketer.

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to earn money online by promoting other people’s products or services and earning a commission on your sales. If you’re looking to get started with affiliate marketing, there are a few things you need to have first.

A website

Affiliate marketing is not for everyone. Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a sustainable way to earn a living online. If you want to try out some top notch training before you buy, then go here to Wealthy Affiliates and start a free account. There is no credit card needed, and you get to build a website free of charge.

Begin Your Training

The first step is to get the correct training so you start with confidence and are surrounded by motivated people who will help you every step of the way. In my opinion, that place is Wealthy Affiliate. (affiliate link) I have been a member since 2007, so I know what I am talking about. Read my full review, updated for 2024, here.

Promoting WA, here is how it works.

Normally, affiliate networks check out your website manually before they approve you and give you an affiliate link. In practice, you need at least 60 articles published before they even consider you as an affiliate. This is because there is nothing in it for them if you don’t have traffic to your blog.

You can’t have traffic until you have useful authoritarian content. So it’s a chicken and egg situation. However, Wealthy affiliates are in it to teach you to make money from day 1. They give you an affiliate link even as a starter free member.

Yes, you read that, Right.

They give you a starter link even before you have given them your credit card; you can start immediately on day 1, sending your link to your friends.

Increased Exposure

One of the main benefits of sharing affiliate links on social media platforms is the potential to get your content and offers in front of a large target audience. Social media provides access to millions of users who could become potential customers. The more people that see your affiliate links, the greater the chance that some of them will click through and ultimately generate sales. Unlike paid advertising, you can expose your links to a wide audience for free simply by posting them on your social media accounts. This increased exposure is invaluable for affiliate marketers who drive traffic to offers.

Staying Top of Mind

Posting affiliate links periodically on social media also helps keep your brand, deals, and recommended products at the top of your followers’ minds. When they see your links and content in their feeds regularly, it serves as a constant reminder of the offers you are promoting. Even if they don’t click on the affiliate link right away, they will remember the deal later when they are ready to make a purchase. The repetition of seeing your links can influence buying decisions down the road.

How Much Do They Pay you to promote Wealthy Affiliates?

That’s the $ sign top menu within WA, and you can see here what they pay you.

As a starter, your commissions would be halved; as and when you decide to become premium, you’d get full commissions.

Start Affiliate Marketing

For every profile complete, set up a $1; however, you can’t claim the $1 for setting up a profile until you have at least 20 referrals and one upgraded to premium.

You can only cash them out when 5% of your starters upgrade to premium.

However, despite the limitations, you can start earning immediately. Plenty of newbies on day 1 get someone to join as a starter member. I mean, it’s a win-win situation. You have the opportunity to try something out free of charge.

What Do I do Once I have joined?

The first thing you do is go to my profile and introduce yourself. I will mentor you free of charge. That means you can ask me any question you like from an affiliate marketer with 25+ years of experience under their belt.

Secondly, you should choose a niche or industry that you’re interested in or knowledgeable about. This will make it easier for you to create content and market products effectively.

What is A Niche? It’s just a group of people who want to buy stuff.

Don’t get hung up about the word niche and it’s just a group of people looking for stuff.

A niche is a focused segment of a market that has specific interests, needs, or characteristics.

For example, in the broad pet market, some common niches are:

  • Dog owners
  • Cat owners
  • Fish owners
  • Bird owners

Each of those is a niche within the larger pet market.

The benefit of focusing on a niche is that you can really tailor your marketing to resonate with that particular audience. You can understand their specific wants, problems, and desires better than a broad market.

This allows you to create targeted products, content, and messaging that really speaks to that niche. Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, you can zero in on what makes your niche unique.

Picking the right niche is crucial, though. You want to choose one with enough demand and opportunity but isn’t so crowded with competition. The niche should also fit your own interests and knowledge.

Once you identify a good niche for your business, you can penetrate it deeply by providing immense value tailored specifically to them. This helps you stand out and gain loyalty.

Building out your website.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to build a profitable website. It teaches you how to create content, but not just any old content, content that people are looking for. It teaches you everything you need to know to build a sustainable long term business. Let me be crystal clear here though, you have to put in the work. It is a marathon, not a sprint, and you to put in consistant time to learn and consistent time to build

Providing Value to Build Trust

One of the key reasons content is crucial for affiliate blogs is that it allows you to provide value to your readers. By publishing in-depth, helpful information and tutorials related to your niche, you demonstrate expertise and establish trust with your audience. This makes readers much more receptive when you recommend affiliate products because they see you as a reliable source of information, not just a salesperson. Valuable content is the foundation for developing strong reader relationships.

Attracting Targeted Visitors

Great content also attracts targeted, organic visitors to your affiliate site who are genuinely interested in your niche and topics. For example, if you publish useful tips and reviews about a certain category of products, it will appeal to readers researching those items. This gives you an interested audience to convert into customers through your affiliate links potentially. Without compelling content, you have nothing to promote. However, focused, useful content is a magnet to draw in motivated visitors from search engines and social media.

Increasing Conversions

By publishing content like comparisons between products, in-depth product reviews, pros/cons lists, and tutorials, you can directly influence your readers’ purchasing decisions. This type of content helps convince visitors to take action by clicking your affiliate links and making purchases. For example, a detailed review outlining the benefits of a product can give readers the confidence to buy through your site. Content removes doubts and provides the information needed to drive conversions.

Signing up For Affiliate Programs

Next, you’ll need to sign up for affiliate programs. There are many different affiliate networks and programs to choose from, so it’s important to do your research and find ones that are a good fit for your niche and target audience.

Once you’ve joined an affiliate program, you can promote products on your website, blog, or social media channels. It’s important to create high-quality content that provides value to your audience and includes affiliate links where appropriate.

In addition to promoting products, you should also focus on building relationships with your audience and providing them with helpful information and resources. This will help you build trust and credibility, which can ultimately lead to more sales and commissions.

Overall, the key to success with affiliate marketing is to focus on creating high-quality content, building relationships with your audience, and promoting products that are a good fit for your niche and target audience. With time and effort, you can build a successful affiliate marketing business that generates passive income for years to come.

Google Dance

During the first six months, your blog will do the hokey kokey in the search engine rankings. It will go up and down. It is super exciting to see one article get to page 43. A week later, you are devasted because it doesn’t rank at all.

It takes time to achieve its full potential. Hopefully, this article on how to drive traffic to new blogs will help you to understand what will happen and not give up. In my twenty-five years of experience of writing, I have seen many good writers give up on the cusp of success.

google Loophole

But what if you could get all of that much earlier? What if there were a Google “loophole” that could make it happen as soon as 30 days after you launch your site?

A Google loophole is clickbait; sorry about that. It’s a tactic I very rarely use. I have used it deliberately in this instance. For the newbies, clickbait uses a headline that attracts readers and then talks about something else.

An example would be “Four websites where you can earn money as a translator. ” The article may discuss that, but the call to action is to a completely different offer. The call to action is to but a different offer.

In this sense, common sense research is the real offer. All keyword researchers are software. I want to say that your readers are people, not software. Software can’t tell you what humans want to know. Clickbait is an outdated process. Relying on clickbait contradicts the qualities of a mature, successful publisher. There are far better strategies for capturing reader interest without deceiving your audience. Unless creators are fine with sabotaging their reputation and user experience for temporary clicks, clickbait has no place on any quality site.

🤑 Passive Income Challenges 🤑
Limited ResourcesInvest in dividend-paying stocks or rental properties to generate passive income.
Lack of KnowledgeJoin Wealthy Affiliate and learn how to build an online business that generates passive income.
Fear of FailureTake calculated risks and learn from your mistakes.
Join Wealthy Affiliate today and start your journey towards financial independence! Click here to learn more.

“The success of every website now depends on search engine optimization and digital marketing strategy. If you are on the first page of all major search engines, then you are ahead among your competitors in terms of online sales.”

Dr Christopher Dayagdag. 

A Niche is A Group of People Looking for Stuff!

Within the online world, there are 3.75 BILLION people. That is the biggest marketplace in the world by a long shot, so you want to really become an expert within the very specific category you choose.
Kyle Loudon

Common Sense Keyword Research

1. Back in the day, there were no keyword research tools, and you had to use a common sense approach. You used keywords you thought your customers were looking for.

2. Keyword research just connects you with potential readers’. Please don’t make it more complex than it needs to be. Don’t rely too much on tools. You have to remember that when you are writing, humans are important. Humans buy things, not algorithms.

3. The goal should be to satisfy search intent rather than to appease an SEO tool.

4. Many website owners and content creators are at risk of being negatively impacted by future Google algorithm updates that target low-quality and unhelpful content. This is because they rely too heavily on keyword tools and SEO plugins when producing content rather than focusing on creating genuinely useful information.

5.Creators must adopt a human-first mindset focused on providing in-depth, engaging content. This involves smart researching, sharing unique insights, and creating high-quality assets like images and videos.

In conclusion, it’s not hard to start affilaite marketing with no experience, when you have the right training. If you join Wealthy affiliate I will mentor you until you reach your goals. Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to research and create a business that has the ability to change your life, if you have the courage to let it.

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